International collaboration

Ocean Bird Foundation International (OBFI) is a Zimbabwean organization dedicated to providing quality empowerment and skills training. OBFI is registered under the Deeds Registries Act [Chapter 20:05] as a Trust and adheres to the principles of both local and international laws supporting empowerment and skills development.

Our commitment extends beyond Zimbabwe, offering online training to individuals who are far from our centers, including students in neighboring countries. To facilitate this, students from neighboring countries must complete their registration process as trainees, supported by our remote staff. In addition, OBFI sends remote staff to physically guide our online students, helping to boost their confidence and ensure successful training experiences.

Why trust OBFI?

  • Local Empowerment: OBFI adheres to the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act [Chapter 14:33], fostering economic empowerment for indigenous Zimbabweans.
  • International Collaboration: We align with global principles of sustainable development, human rights, and equity, as set out in key international frameworks.

Relevant International Instruments and Frameworks:

  • The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (United Nations, 2015): A shared blueprint for peace and prosperity, emphasizing the need for strategies that improve health, education, and reduce inequality.
  • The Addis Ababa Action Agenda (United Nations, 2015): Establishes a framework for financing sustainable development, creating an enabling environment through global partnership and solidarity.
  • The Global Framework on Transferable Skills (UNICEF, 2019): Promotes the development of transferable skills for personal empowerment and community engagement across multiple learning pathways.

Modern-Day Empowerment through Technology:
OBFI recognizes that online skills training is a modern-day technology that allows individuals to be empowered from the comfort of their homes and offices. This approach aligns with global efforts to increase access to education and skills development, as supported by international frameworks like:

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 26): Emphasizes the right to education and the importance of making education accessible to all.
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4): Aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

OBFI’s Global Reach and Support:

  • Accessibility: Open to students from anywhere in the world, provided they have access to our resources.
  • Comprehensive Support: For students on attachment, we provide application letters to help secure placements wherever they prefer.
  • Physical Guidance: OBFI sends remote staff to guide online students physically, boosting their confidence and enhancing their learning experience.

OBFI is a proud registered member of the Association of Healthcare Trainers (UK), corporate member of the South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (SAIOSH), and Support member of the British Safety Council (BritSafe).

Call to Action:
We invite leaders and stakeholders from different countries to support our initiative. By fostering skills development collaboration, we can collectively empower individuals and communities, driving sustainable development and ensuring equal opportunities for all.