Mortuary technicians typically carry out the following tasks: Receive the body of the deceased and prepare it for storage Maintain accurate records of the deceased Record and securely store the deceased’s personal belongings Prepare the body for post-mortem Support the pathologist during the post-mortem Prepare tissue samples and specimens for the lab Weigh organs as they are removed and record the findings Complete reconstruction of the body ready for burial Clean and sterilise all equipment used during the post mortem Arrange for relatives to see the body of the deceased Provide relatives with the death certificate Work with funeral directors to release the body With experience a mortuary technician may also carry out the following tasks: Be trained to identify disease in organs to help determine the cause of death Carry out the day-to-day management of the mortuary Train, mentor and support trainee mortuary technicians
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Code: KMB1: Introduction to Embalming
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Lesson 1 of 3 within section Code: KMB1: Introduction to Embalming.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
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Lesson 2 of 3 within section Code: KMB1: Introduction to Embalming.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
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Lesson 3 of 3 within section Code: KMB1: Introduction to Embalming.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Code: KMB5: Procedures for Preparing the Deceased for Embalming and Viewing
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Lesson 1 of 2 within section Code: KMB5: Procedures for Preparing the Deceased for Embalming and Viewing.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
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Lesson 2 of 2 within section Code: KMB5: Procedures for Preparing the Deceased for Embalming and Viewing.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Code: KMB6: Embalming related Health and Safety Considerations
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Lesson 1 of 2 within section Code: KMB6: Embalming related Health and Safety Considerations.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
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Lesson 2 of 2 within section Code: KMB6: Embalming related Health and Safety Considerations.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
KMB7: Administrative and Legal Requirements related to Embalming, Burials, and Cremation
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Lesson 1 of 2 within section KMB7: Administrative and Legal Requirements related to Embalming, Burials, and Cremation.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
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Lesson 2 of 2 within section KMB7: Administrative and Legal Requirements related to Embalming, Burials, and Cremation.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Counselling and burial process
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Lesson 1 of 2 within section Counselling and burial process.You must enroll in this course to access course content.
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Lesson 2 of 2 within section Counselling and burial process.You must enroll in this course to access course content.